Ytterbium Femtosecond Fibre Laser

Through a combination of advanced optical technology and new laser materials, we offer a new generation of all solid-state, diode-pumped ultrafast lasers. Direct benefits for the users are reduced size, improved reliability and lower cost, and unmatched optical performances.

Magma is the world’s first industrial-grade ultrafast laser with up to 200 mJ pulse energy. The system offers high energy, high repetition rate together with high peak power capabilities.

The modular platform allows evolutive solutions in compact and reliable customizable configurations to fit your highly demanding application.

  • From 2 mJ to 200 mJ
    Pulse energy
  • < 500 fs
    Pulse duration
  • From > 4 GW to > 400 GW
    Peak power
High precision and compact femtosecond laser The Goji benefits from our 15 years’ experience in laser surgical applications. It has been specifically engineered and tested to meet the requirements of today’s most demanding medical and industrial markets.

  • > 5 W
    Average power
  • > 125 nJ to > 500 nJ
    Energy per pulse
  • <150 fs
Air-cooled high power ultrafast oscillator Mikan is an ultra-compact, reliable and turn-key femtosecond oscillator with high average power. Mikan offers a unique optional fiber output for easy set-up and integration to the user’s experiments. Optional green light output allows users to extend the scope of potential applications.

  • > 1.3 W
    Average power
  • > 24 nJ
    Energy per pulse
  • < 250 fs
Versatile, full-featured and compact ultrafast laserThe Satsuma family of femtosecond laser offers versatility in the most compact aircooled laser platform on the market. Satsuma is a cost-efficient solution providing high repetition rate and high energy, up to 150 µJ.
Versatile and full-featured, Satsuma femtosecond lasers are equipped with: FemtoBurst™ (choose number of pulses, rhythms, time between each pulse from 25 to 100 ns); the trigger on demand for selecting individual pulses, and SuperSync Control for getting more precise synchronization with a high speed scanning system. Satsuma femtosecond laser is available with green, UV and deep UV outputs.

The Ultrafast laser Satsuma is compatible with FIBER module. See video.

  • Average power
    From > 5 W to > 50 W
  • Energy per pulse
    From > 10 µJ to > 40 µJ / 150 µJ
  • Pulsewidth
    < 350 fs to > 10 ps
Femtosecond laser for research and development in micro processing and scientific applications Tangerine is a powerful ultrafast laser combining both high repetition rate (going up to 40 MHz and adjustable according to your needs) and high energy per pulse going up to 250 µJ.

Versatile and full-featured, Tangerine femtosecond laser is equipped with: the customization function FemtoBurst™ (choose the number of pulses, their rhythms, time between each pulse between 25 to 100 ns, etc.), the trigger on demand for selecting individual pulses, SuperSync Control for getting more precise synchronization with a high speed scanning system, and Short Pulse (< 150 fs pulsewidth).

  • From > 20 W to 50 W
    Average power
  • Up to 250 µJ
    Energy per pulse
  • From < 150 fs to 10 ps
Powerful, full-featured and versatile femtosecond laser Tangor is a high power ultrafast laser laser combining both high repetition rate (going up to 40 MHz and adjustable according to your needs) and high energy per pulse (going up to 1 mJ that can be splitted in several beams according to your production need).

Versatile and full-featured, Tangor femtosecond laser is equipped with: the customization function FemtoBurst™ (choose the number of pulses, their rhythms, time between each pulse between 25 to 100 ns, etc.), the trigger on demand for selecting individual pulses, SuperSync Control for getting more precise synchronization with a high speed scanning system.

High power ultrafast laser Tangor is available with UV output going up to 100 W.

  • From > 50 W to > 300W
    Average power
  • From > 300 µJ to > 1mJ
    Energy per pulse
  • < 500 fs to > 10 ps
Ultra-compact and high energy femtosecond laser Yuja is a powerful femtosecond laser offering a high repetition rate (going up to 40 MHz and adjustable according to your needs). Thanks to its small dimensions, it can be implemented in all production configuration.
Versatile and full-featured, Yuja femtosecond laser is equipped with: the customization function FemtoBurst™ (choose the number of pulses, their rhythms, time between each pulse between 25 to 100 ns, etc.), the trigger on demand for selecting individual pulses, SuperSync Control for getting more precise synchronization with a high speed scanning system.

YUJA laser is compatible with MULTI module. See video.

  • > 10 W
    Average power
  • > 100 µJ
    Energy per pulse
  • From single shot to 40 MHz
    Repetition rate
Fully customizable and versatile femtosecond laser / Satsuma Niji is an industrial laser platform offering all possible wavelengths from 257 nm and up to 4000 nm. Satsuma Niji breaks free from the restrictive wavelengths choices available today and offers a whole new parameter space for ultrafast processing optimization. Fully customizable with up to 4 simultaneous outputs, Amplitude takes pride in delivering the most application focused ultrafast laser to date.

  • Fully customizable from 257 nm to 4000 nm
  • Up to 20W
    Average Power
  • Up to 40 µJ
    Pulse Energy
Tangor UV is a state-of-the-art high power UV femtosecond laser, up to 30W-500fs. It combines high repetition rate, up to 2MHz and high UV pulse energy, up to 80µJ.

Thanks to the unique performance of Tangor UV, Amplitude enables you to reach the best balance available on the laser market between cutting quality and throughput.

In addition, femtosecond UV pulses guarantee the best processing flexibility and the fastest way to obtain excellent results, irrespective of the type of optical setup used. Upgrade your OLED manufacturing processes to UV femtosecond to achieve the highest yield and productivity.

Tangor UV is compact and lightweight, making the integration smooth for in-line display equipment.

  • > 30 W
    Average Power
  • Up to 80 µJ
    Energy Per Pulse
  • 500 fs
    Pulse Width
SYNCHRONIZATION MANGO Optical Parametric Amplifier FIBER
Sync and Amplock are state-of-the-art synchronization add-ons compatible with all Amplitude ultrafast laser portfolio. This versatile solution is designed for highest accuracy synchronization of the laser system to either a radio frequency or an optical reference.
These two add-ons, by offering both accuracy and reliability for long-term synchronization, are a must-have for demanding applications such as ultrafast pump-probe experiments, or integrated into secondary sources such as FELs, ICS and OPAs.
Mango is a unique platform of optical parametric amplifier built to conform to the highest quality standards. This system can deliver any wavelength from 210 nm to 11,000 nm from the same output port with the same polarization for ultimate ease of use.

Amplitude has created and developed two models:

  • Mango SP offering shorter pulses and complete dispersion management for applications requiring more peak intensity, such as 3P-imaging, or better temporal resolution.
  • Mango HE operating at much higher pump energies to drive processes requiring higher intensities while preserving broadband tuning.
Using hollow-core fiber technology, the FIBER module enables the delivery of ultrashort laser pulses without the negative effects of dispersion and non-linearity.

FIBER module integrates a complete beam launching system, a fiber, a collimation module, and an adapted flange to connect your fiber directly to your scanning system.

FIBER is a module compatible with Satsuma Laser. See video.