Chameleon Family Specifications

Output Power (W) Tuning Range (nm)
Chameleon Discovery NX >3.2W at 900 nm
> 3.5W at 1040 nm
660 to 1320
Fixed 1040
Chameleon Ultra >2.5 at 800 nm 690 to 1020
Chameleon Ultra I >2.9 at 800 nm 690 to 1040
Chameleon Ultra II >3.5 at 800 nm 680 to 1080
Chameleon Vision I with dispersion compensation >2.5 at 800 nm 690 to 1040
Chameleon Vision II with dispersion compensation >3.0 at 800 nm 680 to 1080
Chameleon Vision S with dispersion compensation >2.5 at 800 nm 690 to 1050
Chameleon Compact OPO >0.55 at 1100 nm 1000 to 1600
Chameleon MPX >750 mW 1010 to 1340
Chameleon Compact OPO-Vis >0.55 at 1100 nm
>0.11 at 550 nm
>1.4 at 400 nm
1000 to 1600
500 to 800
340 to 540