Photonic Crystal Fiber
Optical fibers are at the heart of everything we do at NKT Photonics. We utilize our unique PCF technology to embed as many of the functions we need directly in the fibers, making systems build with our fibers simpler, cheaper and more reliable.
Our Crystal Fibre portfolio of specialty fibers spans from nonlinear fibers optimized for octave spanning supercontinuum generation, over the World’s largest single mode ytterbium gain fibers for high power lasers and amplifiers, to advanced hollow core fibers guiding the light in air.
Our single-mode LMA fibers are also availabel as patch cords with standard termination in our aeroGUIDE product range. Moreover, we offer the CONNECT broadband fiber delivery system, enabling easy and robust single mode coupling for fiber delivery at any wavelength – with the industry’s highest coupling efficiency.

Ytterbium doped double clad fibers
Our ytterbium doped double clad fibers offers the largest single-mode cores in the world enabling amplification to unprecedented power levels while keeping mode quality and stability. Read more »

Nonlinear photonic crystal fibers
Optimized for supercontinuum generation and nonlinear wavelength conversion, our nonlinear photonic crystal fibers offers a unique combination of tailored dispersion profile and a very high nonlinear coefficient. Read more »

Large mode area photonic crystal fibers
The selection of Crystal Fibre Large Mode Area fibers covers a range of fibers for diffraction limited high power delivery. The very large mode area enables high power levels without nonlinear effects or material damage. Read more »

Hollow core photonic crystal fibers
Hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers use a microstructured cladding region with air holes to guide light in a hollow core. The photonic bandgap guiding mechanism is fundamentally different from the traditional total internal reflection guiding principle. This new technology provides the basis for high power delivery without nonlinear effects or material damage. Read more »